About the Isadora Duncan International Institute

The Isadora Duncan International Institute, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational organization committed to the enhancement of education through movement and the arts, drawing from the ideals and principles of Isadora Duncan. Founded in 1977 by Maria-Theresa Duncan (Isadora’s adopted daughter) and Kay Bardsley, the IDII continues Isadora’s legacy through its educational programs for children and adults, performances around the globe and preservation of historic and unique archival material.
The IDII is comprised of three divisions reflecting its triple goals:
- Educational – consisting of the ‘Isadora for Children’ and ‘The Isadora for Adults’ Programs based in New York City at The Harkness Dance Center of the 92nd Street Y; Winter/Summer Study Abroad Programs entitled, Sacred Topographies: The Body and the Land; Intensive Programs in the Catskill Region entitled, Movement in the Mountains; and programs entitled, The Certificate Programs in Isadora Duncan Studies I and II with founding director of Educational Programs, Jeanne Bresciani
- Theatrical – consisting of The Isadora Duncan International Institute Dancers and The Isadora for Children Performing Group, with Artistic Director of Theatrical Programs, Jeanne Bresciani
- Historical – consisting of a Duncan Archive original source materials, works of art, letters, photographs, books and programs from the collection of the late Historian and Archivist, Kay Bardsley.